Tuesday, August 01, 2006


[flickrtool.blogsp..] [flickrshow.bl ] [account /screenshot] [profile with 10 recent pics]

languages: en , es , fr , de, kr, cn, it, pt + Flickr.com

url´s • .com or .de/userurl/userurl/tagsS/tag ►profile url /people/userurlmore url´s

Flickr is the biggest image source and an up to date source in the web.
15 mil registered users have uploaded more than 542 million photos. ( may 08 )

flickr displays free 200pics on the userpages
but all uploaded pics (upload limit 20mb/per moth) are accessible via the url or the pic and in the groups, badges + searches .

Paid accounts: unlimited 25$ per year


-_- flickr was the first hoster with "tagging" and an open api.

the stand alone flickrshow for blogs + hp´s, desktops and toolbars .

-_- syndicate latest/recent uploads with flickr (scriptless) badges to hp´s + blogs
►amount: up to 10 more ►sizes 75 100 240pxl bigger 10 x 375x500

post a pic with one e-mail to flickr and at the same time to your blog
=> secretword-2blogs@photos.flickr.com (requires a blog with a rpcxml inteface i.e. wp blogger +..)

-_- you can optimize your pics for searchengines , because the pic title is displayed in the titlebar

-_- thousands of ( privat) communities with photo pools http://flickr.com/groups

-_- manage your flickr account with the blog browser flock

screenshot 11.05 2,5million users -_- photopage ↓ with a profile note
enlarge link █═════█████████────── screenshot -_- flickr Nov 2005 -_- blogged to  fotohosting.blogspot.comflickr photopage features
screebnshot 6. 2004 ~10 000 user

A special flickr account http://flickr.de/people/this-is-not-the-flickr-you-know



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